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Frequently Asked Questions

I have severe PTSD, panic attacks and depression.  I have tried so many things including, medication, supplements and therapy and still have no relief.  Can your sessions help?

Yes.....What you are experiencing is a result of unresolved, unprocessed trauma, suppressed emotions and this can all be fully resolved at the root.  Emotional/Trauma healing and Emotional Intelligence is my area of expertise.  In our society most people have never been taught how to fully feel their emotions, instead have learned to suppress at a young age.  As a result, most people are walking around with this emotional baggage feeling depressed, anxious, chronically stressed or lack of joy. I fully resolved my PTSD, debilitating anxiety, depression, insomnia and fully healed from chronic illness once I addressed and resolved this within myself. 

My sessions include addressing, resolving anxiety, PTSD, depression, insomnia, chronic stress at the root , in the body which includes suppressed emotions, trauma healing, OCD...all this manifests into various chronic physical symptoms when not resolved at root.  I have experienced this myself and was able to completely resolve.  

Anxiety , PTSD, depression is primarily the result an accumulation of suppressed/unprocessed fear, worry, unresolved trauma, etc. Depression is an accumulation of all the unprocessed sadness, grief, anger, shame, heartache, etc. If an emotion is not fully processed, it is always running in the background frozen in time.  It stays stored in the body, until one accesses and then resolve. Most people are holding on to all this emotional baggage that has built up over the years.  

It can all be traced back to where stored in the body and subconscious and then access and dissolve .  The depression, anxiety, etc can only organically fade away/dissipate when located, accessed and then resolved in the body, subconcious and nervous system. 


Supplements/medication, talk therapy can only go so far and ultimately is a bandaid as emotions, anxiety, trauma, intrusive thoughts continue to stay suppressed.  In my sessions, this will all be resolved at the root so you can finally experience Joy, Bliss and Vitality again....which is our natural state of being and birth right!  

So many of my clients have shared they have tried so many other modalities including years of talk therapy and none of it helped or resolved at the root.  But with my sessions they said they experience so much relief, healing and made so much progress in their first session! You will have lots of relief in one session too.🌷💗

I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder.  Is this something you can help with?

Yes....first we take off the label/diagnosis and instead resolve the root of it.  When one has unresolved, unprocessed trauma, suppressed emotions these emotions can be felt as intense polarized emotional charges between the higher emotional spectrum and then feeling the opposite/contrast of the lower spectrum.  This can all be fully resolved at the root. 

Emotional/Trauma healing and Emotional Intelligence is my area of expertise.  In our society most people have never been taught how to fully feel their emotions, instead have learned to suppress at a young age.  As a result, most people are walking around with this emotional baggage feeling depressed, anxious, chronically stressed or lack of joy.  I fully resolved my PTSD, debilitating anxiety, depression, insomnia and fully healed from chronic illness once I addressed and resolved this within myself. 

My sessions include addressing, resolving anxiety, PTSD, depression, chronic stress at the root , in the body which includes suppressed 'polarized' emotions, trauma healing, OCD...all this manifests into various chronic physical symptoms when not resolved at root. 

Anxiety , PTSD, depression is primarily the result of the accumulation of suppressed/unprocessed fear, worry, unresolved trauma, etc. Depression is an accumulation of all the unprocessed sadness, grief, anger, shame, heartache, etc. If an emotion is not fully processed, it is always running in the background frozen in time.  It stays stored in the body, until one accesses and then resolve. This can feel like highly polarized intense emotions when one is holding on to all this emotional baggage that has built up over the years.  

It can be traced back to where stored in the body and subconscious and the access and dissolve .  The depression, anxiety, etc can only organically fade away/dissipate when located, accessed and then resolved in the body, subconscious and nervous system.  The intense highs and lows come into a balanced, harmonious state. 

Supplements/medication, talk therapy can only go so far and ultimately is a bandaid as emotions, anxiety, trauma, intrusive thoughts continue to stay suppressed.  In my sessions, this will all be resolved at the root so you can finally experience Joy, Bliss & Vitality again...which is our natural state of being and birthright!  

So many of my clients have shared they have tried so many other modalities including years of talk therapy and none of it helped or resolved at the root.  But with my sessions they said they experience so much relief, healing and made so much progress in their first session! You will have lots of relief in one session too. 🌷💗

Can your sessions help with Phobias?

Yes.....Phobias are a result of unresolved, unprocessed trauma, suppressed emotions that you either personally experienced or an ancestor experienced as this gets passed down stored in our DNA and cellular memory.   This can all be fully resolved at the root.  Emotional/Trauma healing and Emotional Intelligence is my area of expertise.  In our society most people have never been taught how to fully feel their emotions, instead have learned to suppress at a young age.  As a result, most people are walking around with this emotional baggage feeling depressed, anxious, chronically stressed or lack of joy. I fully resolved my PTSD, debilitating anxiety, depression, insomnia and fully healed from chronic illness once I addressed and resolved this within myself. 

My sessions include addressing, resolving anxiety, PTSD, depression, phobias, insomnia, chronic stress at the root , in the body which includes suppressed emotions, trauma healing, OCD...all this manifests into various chronic physical symptoms when not resolved at root.  I have experienced this myself and was able to completely resolve.  

Phobias, anxiety , PTSD, depression is primarily the result an accumulation of suppressed/unprocessed intense fear, worry, unresolved trauma, etc. Depression is an accumulation of all the unprocessed sadness, grief, anger, shame, heartache, etc. If an emotion is not fully processed, it is always running in the background frozen in time.  It stays stored in the body, until one accesses and then resolve. Most people are holding on to all this emotional baggage that has built up over the years.  

It can all be traced back to where stored in the body and subconscious and then access and dissolve .  The phobias, depression, anxiety, etc can only organically fade away/dissipate when located, accessed and then resolved in the body, subconscious and nervous system. 


Supplements/medication, talk therapy can only go so far and ultimately is a bandaid as emotions, anxiety, trauma, intrusive thoughts continue to stay suppressed.  In my sessions, this will all be resolved at the root so you can finally experience Joy, Bliss and Vitality again....which is our natural state of being and birth right!  

So many of my clients have shared they have tried so many other modalities including years of talk therapy and none of it helped or resolved at the root.  But with my sessions they said they experience so much relief, healing and made so much progress in their first session! You will have lots of relief in one session too.🌷💗

I have a racing mind and intrusive thoughts.  Is this something your sessions can help with?

Yes....a racing mind and intrusive thoughts are a result of chronic stress which also includes the chronic stress of suppressed emotions/unresolved trauma frozen in time, always running in the background.  The more suppressed emotions and trauma one has, the more likely their mind is racing and have lots of prominent intrusive thoughts.  This also contributes to a major chronic stress response in the body and nervous system which then intensify symptoms resulting in a predominant state of sympathetic state overdrive.  Dysfunctional breathing can also contribute to chronic stress response, racing mind and intrusive thoughts.  This can all be fully resolved at the root in my sessions, your brain will also be rewired and new neural pathways will form.  You will resolve the suppressed emotions/trauma at the root AND resolve the chronic stress response so you can experience Joy, Bliss and Vitality again! 🌷💗

I have ADD/ADHD....can your sessions help with this?

Yes...first we take off the label/diagnosis and instead address and resolve the root of it.  ADD/ADHD is usually a result of suppressed emotions, unresolved trauma, chronic stress, dysfunctional breathing, and/or sleep disordered breathing.  All of this keeps your nervous system in the predominate state of fight/flight.  We will address and resolve all of this in my sessions

Once the suppressed emotions, trauma, chronic stress response, and dysfunctional breathing is resolved, your parasympathetic system will return to its predominate state, neurotransmitters will rebalance, new neural pathways will form, brain will rebalance.  You will also experience lots of relief, feel much calmer and a lot more focused as a result of my sessions. 🌷💗

How many sessions will I need?

The amount of sessions and/or frequency depends on each person. For instance it depends if one has lots of chronic symptoms, how much they have suppressed, etc.  You will experience lots of relief in one session.  I have several clients that just needed one session and I have some that love the sessions so much and want continued support, etc that choose to have periodic sessions which is extremely beneficial for their health and well-being to continue to progress and support their healing. 💗🌷

I have tried talk therapy and it hasn't helped.  How are your sessions different?

Conventional Talk therapy doesn't work because it is all head based and keeps one stuck in the mind.  It only provides ways to cope and distract one from their suffering whereas my sessions you will transcend your suffering instead.  This means there is no longer an emotional charge and it no longer has power over you.  The memory then simply fades away and you are no longer a prisoner to it.  So many of my clients have shared they have tried so many other modalities including years of therapy and none of it helped or resolved at the root.  But with my sessions they said they experience so much relief, healing and made so much progress in their first session. 🌷💗

I have tried so many other modalities such as Emotions Code,  EMDR, Hypnosis, EFT, inner child, Reiki, etc and only felt little relief and temporary. I notice my PTSD, anxiety still gets triggered and I still feel depressed. How are your sessions different?

Many other modalities that most people try, just scratch the surface or works like a bandaid which is why they still have not been able to fully resolve at the root.  Hypnosis for instance is an attempt to change ones behavior, subconscious beliefs, etc like installing new software trying to override .  However if the suppressed emotions, trauma is not fully resolved at the root, these will still be running in the background and still creating conflict.  A bandaid approach like hypnosis is like taking antidote while still being poisoned.  Overtime the chronic stress and chronic inflammation from the suppressed emotions, trauma continues to manifest into chronic physical symptoms and more intense emotional turmoil. So many of my clients have shared they have tried so many other modalities including years of talk therapy and none of it helped or resolved at the root.  But with my sessions they said they experience so much relief, healing and made so much progress in their first session.🌷💗

Can your sessions help with chronic pain, migraines, etc?  I have had chronic pain for years and nothing has helped.

Lots of time chronic pain, flare-ups  are a result of trapped energy, unprocessed emotions and/or unresolved trauma stored there and it's how our body communicates with us to get our attention.  There is always energy behind physical symptoms that have manifested.  It will create chronic inflammation in the areas where stored in the body. I have had several clients whose chronic pain, including migraines finally dissolved after we accessed and resolved the suppressed emotions and unresolved trauma. Some of these clients even had chronic pain for decades and they are so amazed how they no longer suffer from the pain any longer.  Supplements/medication can provide temporary relief but only goes so far and doesn't resolve the underlying cause. My sessions are the missing piece of the puzzle!🌷💗

I was diagnosed with 'XYZ' illness, disorder, etc.  How can your sessions help?

Chronic Lyme expressed in me a few years ago and I was able to fully heal and resolve.  We are all exposed to the same, viruses, microbes etc.  So why does chronic symptoms/illness express in one person and not another?

Here is a helpful perspective to consider.  If we take off the label/diagnosis and instead explore the root of the symptoms it is usually a result of one's nervous system wired in predominant state of fight/flight.   Chronic symptoms are a way our body communicates with us to try to get our attention.  If one has high levels of chronic stress, unresolved trauma or suppressed emotions all of this wires your body and nervous system in the predominant state of fight/flight   

When your body is in Fight/Flight it can't be in a healing state at the same time and also depletes & effects nutrient/mineral absorption, contributes to leaky gut, hormonal 'imbalances', neurotransmitter 'imbalances', decreased detoxification. etc Also, unresolved trauma, suppressed emotions are stored in the body. The body uses tons of energy holding on to suppressed emotions/trauma.  This means less life force energy going to your immune system, vital organs and nervous system.  Suppressed emotions, suppressed trauma = suppressed immune system.

This will also create chronic inflammation in the areas that it has been stored.  This will also influence how ones DNA is expressed. 

Supplements, medications, conventional talk therapy can provide temporary relief and methods to cope, distract etc. however it's important to address and resolve underlying cause instead of being used as a bandaid while symptoms continue to be suppressed.  This can under the right care all be resolved.  I was able to fully heal from chronic Lyme, debilitating anxiety, PTSD, depression, insomnia in just a few months when I resolved from within. When you have all this unresolved chronic stress in the body, your body & immune system have less resources as well which then you can be more susceptible to pathogenic parasites, viruses, etc. 

In addition, when you are predominately in the state of fight/flight too many toxins are building up in your cells and not being eliminated fast enough and continuing to recirculate throughout your body.  This also results in hypersensitivity, lots of chronic symptoms, sickness, etc.  Once all the stress responses are resolved, then your immune system will have its full resources, detoxication will improve and you will be able to experience Joy, Bliss & Vitality again!  My sessions are the missing piece of the sessions are very effective, transformative, life changing and empowering! 🌷💗

I have Mold sickness/sensitivity and have so many chronic health issues.  I have been to so many Doctors and am taking so many supplements but I am still not geting better.  Can your sessions help me?

Yes.....Chronic Lyme expressed in me a few years ago and I was able to fully heal and resolve.  We are all exposed to the same, viruses, microbes etc.  So why does chronic symptoms/illness express in one person and not another?  Why is one person more sensitive or become critically ill from mold exposure while others aren't affected the same way?

Here is a helpful perspective to consider.  If we take off the label/diagnosis and instead explore the root of the symptoms it is usually a result of one's nervous system wired in predominant state of fight/flight.   Chronic symptoms are a way our body communicates with us to try to get our attention.  If one has high levels of chronic stress, unresolved trauma or suppressed emotions all of this wires your body and nervous system in the predominant state of fight/flight   

When your body is in Fight/Flight it can't be in a healing state at the same time and also depletes & effects nutrient/mineral absorption, contributes to leaky gut, hormonal 'imbalances', neurotransmitter 'imbalances', decreased detoxification. etc Also, unresolved trauma, suppressed emotions are stored in the body. The body uses tons of energy holding on to suppressed emotions/trauma.  This means less life force energy going to your immune system, vital organs and nervous system.  Suppressed emotions, suppressed trauma = suppressed immune system.

This will also create chronic inflammation in the areas that it has been stored.  This will also influence how ones DNA is expressed. 

Supplements, medications, conventional talk therapy can provide temporary relief and methods to cope, distract etc. however it's important to address and resolve underlying cause instead of being used as a bandaid while symptoms continue to be suppressed.  This can under the right care all be resolved.  I was able to fully heal from chronic Lyme, debilitating anxiety, PTSD, depression, insomnia in just a few months when I resolved from within. When you have all this unresolved chronic stress in the body, your body & immune system have less resources as well which then you can be more susceptible to pathogenic parasites, viruses, etc. 

In addition, when you are predominately in the state of fight/flight too many toxins are building up in your cells and not being eliminated fast enough and continuing to recirculate throughout your body.  This also results in hypersensitivity, lots of chronic symptoms, sickness, etc.  Once all the stress responses are resolved, then your immune system will have its full resources, detoxication will improve and you will be able to experience Joy, Bliss & Vitality again!  My sessions are the missing piece of the sessions are very effective, transformative, life changing and empowering! 🌷💗

Do you work with children?

Yes....Depending on the child's age, I will either work directly with the child or if they are a lot younger, I will work with the parent(s).   A child's emotional state and behavior is influenced by their parent's emotional state as well.  Children are able to feel their parent's emotions.  Lots of time, children cannot distinguish if they are feeling their own emotions or their parent's emotions.  A parent's emotional turmoil, unresolve trauma, etc, is passed on their children/offspring.  When a parent resolves within themselves, which we do in my sessions, their child(ren)s behavior/emotional state and overall health and wellbeing improves as well.  This includes improvement with immune system and even resolving chronic symptoms that are connected.  A parent resolving their suppressed emotions/trauma and learning emotional intelligence is one of the most loving things they can do for themselves and their children.  🌷💗

I have had insomnia for years and rely on sleep aids, and supplements to try to get a good night's sleep, however I still toss and turn, wake up in the middle of the night and feel so tired and groggy every morning.  Will your sessions help?

Yes....the biggest contributor to insomnia is chronic stress, unresolved trauma, suppressed emotions.  All of this wires your body and nervous system in the predominant state of fight/flight  When your body is in Fight/Flight it can't be in a resting & healing state at the same time, your body and subconscious is on high alert anticipating danger.  If your nervous system has been wired to predominantly sympathetic/fight flight, it influences the expression of your DNA and your body perceives this as a threat which means your body won't think it is safe to sleep. These are all the biggest contributors to insomnia and is the missing piece of the puzzle.

The chronic stress response depletes minerals, nutrients and also affects mineral/nutrient absorption.  Chronic stress also increases cortisol levels becoming hyper adrenalized, depletes GABA reserves and depletes serotonin.  GABA and serotonin levels are necessary to fall asleep and stay asleep.  Unresolved trauma, suppressed emotions contributes to this chronic stress response and it is necessary to address and resolve. This will all be addressed and resolved at the root in my sessions. 

Once all the stress responses are resolved, then your insomnia will resolve and you will have deeper more restful sleep. You will also learn how to balance your stress response in every moment....the benefits are cumulative. You will lower cortisol levels, increase GABA and serotonin.  You will also rewire your neural pathways, balance your neurotransmitters, balance your hormones and rewire your nervous system so your parasympathetic system returns back to it's predominant state of being which is Rest, Healing & Growth.  In addition to addressing and resolving your chronic stress, trauma and suppressed emotions at the root we will also assess and address your lifestyle, circadian rhythm, sleep hygiene, nutrition, gut health, detoxification. 🌷💗

Can your sessions help resolve food allergies/sensitivities?

In my sessions we address and resolve emotions, trauma, subconscious beliefs around food and ones relationship they have with food.  Many times a good allergy/sensitivity can happen if one was eating a specific food when they experienced trauma or chronic stress while eating it.  Or perhaps that specific food was in sight or smell of food associated with trauma/chronic stress.

If one is holding on to subconscious beliefs, perception that food is not safe, dangerous, the food will have a different biochemical response in their body..... Even healthy food will become inflammatory instead of anti inflammatory...will contribute to food sensitivity/allergy, weight gain etc this will definitely contribute to chronic stress response, Fight/flight which then , their body and DNA will also perceive as dangerous and contribute to weight gain, chronic inflammation, etc.  So the food they eat will have a totally different response in their body instead of being neutral about and be in rest/digest state. 

In addition we will address and resolve ones chronic stress response that is keeping them in fight/flight.  Once this is also resolved, digestion, nutrient absorption, & gut health will be improved so immune system doesn't continue to perceive food as a threat any longer. 🌷💗

I have been trying to conceive for years and I am thinking about taking hormones or doing IVF.  Can your sessions help?

Yes....In my sessions we will address and resolve chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma, subconscious beliefs at the root.  This can all effect fertility, conception and pregnancy including how the baby's body, psyche and nervous system is formed.

High levels of chronic stress, unresolved trauma, suppressed emotions and subconscious beliefs wires your body and nervous system in the predominant state of fight/flight   When your body is in Fight/Flight it can't be in a resting & healing state at the same time.  If your nervous system has been wired to predominantly sympathetic/fight flight, it influences the expression of your DNA and your body perceives this as a threat which means your body won't think it is safe to conceive.  Same when a woman is over functioning it creates a chronic stress response in the body.  This is one of the biggest influences that effect fertility and conception and is the missing piece of the puzzle. This can under the right care all be resolved and is my area of expertise. 

Once all the stress responses are resolved, including unresolved trauma, emotions, subconscious beliefs then your fertility will improve, hormones will balance accordingly, vital organs & immune system will have its full resources and you will align back to Joy, Bliss & Vitality.  We will also assess and support lifestyle, nutrition, gut health, detoxification, sleep.🌷💗

Can your sessions help with my libido?  It's so hard for me to be intimate.  I am never in the mood and lots of time I feel discomfort, vaginal dryness & pain.

Yes....This is something that needs to be addressed and resolved on ALL levels...Body, Mind Emotions and Spirit.  Chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma are the biggest contributors to low libido, hormonal "imbalances", vaginal dryness.  

If you are chronically stressed, you are predominantly in fight/flight which then your body does not feel safe.   Chronic stress which includes the chronic stress from suppressed emotions, trauma, also creates chronic inflammation in areas stored in the body.  For women it's common to hold sexual trauma, fear, pregnancy trauma all in the sexual organs, womb, etc.  

The chronic stress response also decreases blood flow and circulation which contributes to vaginal dryness and low libido.  Once chronic stress response, suppressed emotions, trauma is resolved at the root, it will relax the blood vessels, improve blood flow and circulation, rebalance hormones, increase libido and lubrication.


Most women nowadays are also overdoing/over functioning which also contributes to chronic stress response, low libido, hormonal "imbalances".   If you are emotionally and energetically drained your libido will decrease as a result.  

We will also address/resolve relationship health and dynamics.  A woman needs to feel biologically safe on ALL levels for healthy libido.  If you don't than your body and libido will respond accordingly. 

Chemistry/energetics of relationship and libido go hand and hand.   Libido is a reflection of health and dynamic of one's relationship, to yourself and your partner.  If this is out of balance chemistry and libido will be affected. â€‹Unresolved trauma/suppressed emotions, chronic stress is a HUGE contributor to hormonal 'imbalances', low libido as this drains life force energy. Unresolved resentment, anger towards your partner/spouse will also affect chemistry, libido and lubrication.


Chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma = suppressed libido (also = suppressed immune system)  All of this will need to be resolved at root to free up this life force energy and to resolve relationship health/dynamics.  It's so important to address and resolve all these areas at the root, that are frequently overlooked, before supplementing/medicating while all these areas then stayed suppressed. Supplements/medication can temporarily help however is ultimately a bandaid. Doing so ignores/suppresses and dishonors this intricate communication and innate design of the body.  


All of this can be addressed and resolved under the right care.

​I have had so many clients whose libido improved tremendously once they addressed and resolved their suppressed emotions, trauma, chronic stress.  My libido also improved dramatically once I resolved all these areas.  

​In addition to addressing and resolving chronic stress, suppressed emotions, & trauma at the root, we will also assess and optimize your lifestyle, nutrition, gut health, sleep hygiene, detoxification.🌷💗

Do you work with men?  I have ED and low libido.  Can your sessions help with this?

Yes...I have several clients that are men and my sessions can help resolve this.  This is something that needs to be addressed and resolved on ALL levels...Body, Mind Emotions and Spirit.   Chronic stress is a huge contributor to hormonal 'imbalances', ED and low libido.  Chronic stress includes suppressed emotions, trauma. If you are chronically stressed you are primarily in fight/flight which then your body does not feel safe.  If you are emotionally and energetically drained your libido will decrease as a result.


The chronic stress response also constricts blood vessels, decreases blood flow and circulation which contributes to low libido, hormonal 'imbalances' and ED.  Once chronic stress response, suppressed emotions, trauma is resolved at the root, it will relax the blood vessels, improve blood flow and circulation, rebalance hormones, increase libido.  â€‹Chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma = suppressed libido (also = suppressed immune system) 

We will also address/resolve relationship health and dynamics.

Chemistry/energetics of relationship and libido go hand and hand.   Libido is a reflection of health and dynamic of one's relationship, to yourself and your partner.  If this is out of balance chemistry and libido will be affected. â€‹
Unresolved resentment, anger towards your partner/spouse will also affect chemistry, libido and erectile dysfunction.  Porn/porn addiction also contributes to erectile dysfunction and libido.


It's so important to address and resolve all these areas at the root, that are frequently overlooked, before supplementing/medicating while all these areas then stayed suppressed. Supplements/medication can temporarily help however is ultimately a bandaid. Doing so ignores/suppresses and dishonors this intricate communication and innate design of the body.  

All of this can be addressed and resolved under the right care.

I have had so many clients whose libido improved tremendously once they addressed and resolved their suppressed emotions.  My libido also improved dramatically once I resolved all these areas.  In addition to addressing and resolving chronic stress, suppressed emotions, & trauma at the root, we will also assess and optimize your lifestyle, nutrition, gut health, sleep hygiene, detoxification.🌷💗

Do you offer nutritional counseling sessions to help with/improve nutrition, gut health, detoxification?

Yes.....My approach is a Holistic are some things we will address, improve and optimize in my sessions:  

Assess current nutrition, eating habits, relationship with food and subconscious beliefs around food.  Making recommendations and educate for better food choices, shopping, ingredients, adding anti inflammatory foods, meal timing, reducing/removing inflammatory foods, mindfulness, intuitive eating, improving gut health, nutrient absorption and digestion.  

Address and resolve chronic inflammation and chronic stress as it will increase cortisol levels in the body and wire to predominantly fight/flight. When in this survival state, your body will deplete important minerals/nutrients, contribute to leaky gut, food sensitivities, indigestion, microbiome imbalances.

When chronic stress response is resolved,  parasympathetic state return to dominant state of rest/digest and healing.  This will help optimize nutrient/mineral absorption, gut health, digestion, improve composition of gut bacteria

Address, support & optimize your body & cells detoxification, reduce/eliminate toxic burden

Address, improve & optimize lifestyle, sleep hygiene which is also fundamental for nutrient/mineral absorption, gut health, detoxification and overall health and wellbeing ðŸŒ·ðŸ’—​


I have been trying to lose weight and I am really frustrated that my weight doesn't budge or I gain it back.  I feel so defeated and am thinking about taking medication to help. I just don't know what to do anymore.  Can your sessions help me with this?

There are no short cuts when it comes to one's health and when trying to lose weight.  Taking medications or looking for a quick fix comes with dangerous side effects and even deadly consequences.

Our body has an innate intelligence and never makes mistakes.  If one has excessive weight, there is a reason for it and it's important to get to the underlying cause(s) to address and resolve.  Weight loss/fat loss happens naturally once you address and resolve underlying causes.  

If one wants the best and have sustainable results losing weight, its important to address, resolve and support on ALL levels....Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit. It makes a HUGE difference when you learn how to work with the innate intelligence of the body instead of working against it.

My approach is a Holistic are some things we will address and resolve in my sessions: 

Assess current nutrition, eating habits, relationship with food and subconscious beliefs around food. Making recommendations and educate for better food choices, shopping, ingredients, adding anti inflammatory foods, meal timing, reducing/removing inflammatory foods, mindfulness, intuitive eating, improving gut health, nutrient absorption and digestion.   

Address and resolve chronic inflammation and chronic stress as it will increase cortisol levels in the body and wire to predominantly fight/flight.  When in this survival state, your body will store fat and also contribute to hormonal "imbalances" which is how the body's innate intelligence responds.  

When in this survival state, your body will also deplete important minerals/nutrients, contribute to leaky gut, food sensitivities, indigestion, microbiome imbalances.  When chronic stress response is resolved,  parasympathetic state return to dominant state of rest/digest and healing.  This will help optimize nutrient/mineral absorption, gut health, digestion, improve composition of gut bacteria 

We will also address and resolve your subconscious beliefs, suppressed emotions, unresolved trauma as this is also a chronic stress response that creates chronic inflammation and elevated cortisol levels in the body and influences DNA expression to be in survival state.  

We will also work on healing the relationship you have with food and with your body.   


You will learn to work with your body instead of fighting with/against your body as trying to control, forcing, frustrated, etc your body perceives this as an attack/threat and once again shifts into fight/flight and elevating cortisol levels and creating chronic inflammation in the body.

Address, support & optimize your body & cells detoxification, reduce/eliminate toxic burden, as toxins are stored in fat cells to protect your body and organs  

We will also assess, improve and optimize your lifestyle, nutrition, meal timing, gut health, exercise, sleep hygiene, circadian rhythm, which is also fundamental for nutrient/mineral absorption, gut health, detoxification and overall health and wellbeing.

I used to be prediabetic close to 150 lbs and with all the suggestions above, inner work, emotional trauma release, resolving chronic stress response, healing my relationship with my body, etc, my body has been at my perfect weight since as I learned to work with the innate intelligence of my body instead of against it. 

All my clients have the best, long term sustainable results as a result.  My sessions are the missing piece of the sessions are very effective, transformational, life changing and empowering!🌷💗

Do you offer 'Urgent" appointment sessions?  How soon can someone schedule if urgent and needs immediate relief?

Yes....Sometimes one may be experiencing intense emotions, panic attacks, relationship conflicts, stressful situations, chronic pain, nausea, etc. and want relief right away so they or a loved one, doesn't have to continue to cope or suffer.  In urgent situations, I will try to accommodate the best I can to fit a client in same day, as soon as possible, if I have availability. I have frequently helped clients with urgent sessions so they were able to feel fast relief and relaxation, with panic attacks, migraines, headaches, stomach aches, body aches, relationship turmoil, etc.   🌷💗

Are your sessions virtual or in person?

Virtual sessions over ZOOM are the most convenient for my clients because they can do from the comfort of their own home and allows them to be as comfortable as possible.  It also allows me to help people all over the world.  The majority of my clients request virtual sessions. However if a local client prefers an in person session instead of virtual, I am more than happy to accommodate them.🌷💗

What is the name of the modality you use in your sessions?

I don't have a name for my modality as it is just using a very effective technique that is natural, and innate.  It supports and honors the design and innate intelligence of the body.  Because it supports and honors the innate intelligence of the body, it does this without force, which is the way our body is designed and responds with best results. This why the results are so effective and is able to fully resolve and heal at the root in body, subconscious and nervous system 🌷💗

Do you offer meditation sessions or teach meditation?  I have tried meditating in the past however I can't seem to quite my mind or get relaxed enough.  I know meditation is supposed to be beneficial and I would like to make sure I am doing properly to fully benefit.

Yes.....I do also offer meditation sessions.  I have many clients that schedule meditation sessions as part of their self care and to assist with optimizing their overall health and well being.  They find my sessions very therapeutic and relaxing.  When one learns how to properly meditate it makes a significant difference and deeper healing takes place.  I highly recommend a daily medication practice to my clients.  Clients who learn how to meditate properly and commit to this daily mediation practice have improved their overall health and wellbeing much quicker.🌷💗

Do you work with Practitioners?  I am a Doctor and I have many patients that can benefit tremendously from your sessions.  So many of my patients are chronically stressed are experiencing emotional turmoil.  I see time and time again how this effects their health and why they are making little progress.  I would like to refer my complex patients for support and would also like to learn more myself if you offer mentoring.

Yes....I do work with Practitioners all over the world, to help support their patients with my sessions.  Many Practitioners find my service extremely beneficial as they don't have time to personally support their complex patients on this level or expertise in this area.  My sessions help their complex patients resolve the trauma, suppressed emotions, chronic stress response that is interfering with their healing.  Once this is all resolved at the root it makes a significant difference and patient's health and wellbeing can progress in the right direction, and faster too.  For Practitioners that would like to learn more about my overall approach and/or training in my technique, I do offer mentoring as well 🌷💗

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