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Optimize and Thrive!

Root cause resolution and fundamental habits for optimal health, well-being & vitality!

Do you or your child(ren) have chronic symptoms, prolonged sickness, sleep or behavioral issues? Did you know many of these issues can significantly improve and/or resolve just by breaking destructive health habits and learning fundamental habits that are necessary for optimal health, well-being and vitality? 

For instance, chronic mouth breathing is one of the biggest contributors and root cause to so many health issues, prolonged sickness, sleep disorders and behavioral issues!  Sadly, this major root cause is commonly overlooked by many Practitioners.  Instead they end up treating symptoms and patients end up spending thousands on supplements and testing that might be unnecessary without ever getting to this significant root cause.  


Unfortunately, another major root cause that is commonly overlooked and/or not properly addressed is the state of one's nervous system.  It's important to determine if you are predominately in the state of fight/flight.  Because if your body in predominately in sympathetic state- fight/flight....your body can't be in a healing state at the same time!  No matter what Practitioner you are working with, this needs to be addressed and resolved right away.  It is necessary to learn how to calm and rewire your nervous system so your body can be in a healing state all day long.  This is one of the biggest reasons why one still isn't feeling better or getting better. 


Fact is that when one is in flight/flight, this alone will contribute to:


  • Chronic symptoms 

  • Chronic illness

  • Chronic inflammation, chronic pain 

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Adreanl fatigue, elevated cortisol levels

  • Neurotransmitter imbalances

  • Elevated toxic burden

  • Poor detoxification

  • Hormonal 'imbalances'

  • Excessive stubborn weight

  • Leaky gut/leaky brain

  • Poor digestion, food sensitivities

  • Poor mineral & nutrient absorption

  • Influences composition of microbes

  • Creates hospitable environment to pathogenic bacteria, parasites, etc

  • Mold sensitivity 

  • Racing mind, cognitive decline

  • Emotional & mental turmoil

  • Behavioral issues

  • Poor quality of sleep, insomnia

  • Less resilient immune system, prolonged sickness


 And so much more!

The influence chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma is so significant that when one addresses and resolves these alone, this can resolve chronic infections, including Mycotoxins without taking supplements, medications, or anything to try and eradicate! 

One of my clients shared that a chronic infection she had been fighting for over a month disappeared overnight as a result of resolving her suppressed emotions/trauma in my sessions!


Another client's personal VCS results before and after our sessions also showed this dramatic clinical evidence.  (Her amazing testimonial is below) She also has no more migraines after just only one session, just like several of my other clients!


Even my son's chronic, croupy cough finally resolved as well, as a result of him resolving his suppressed emotions!


Suppressed emotions, unresolved trauma, chronic stress will manifest into various chronic symptoms, illness and is why it's necessary to address and resolve these major chronic stress responses in order to fully heal!


You CANNOT properly heal or progress if you are in fight/flight majority of the time!  You will continue on the never ending hamster wheel of treating/managing/suppressing symptoms.....your gut won't be able to heal, you will continue to have poor digestion, won't be able to absorb minerals, nutrients properly, poor detoxification, elevated toxic burden, excessive stubborn weight, poor quality of sleep, etc.  


Addressing and resolving the root cause(s) is key in order to go from surviving to thriving!


Has the underlying cause(s) of your insomnia been resolved at the root or were you just recommended supplements that you will have to take and depend on for the rest of your life?  Hint:  If you resolve your chronic stress response at root, your insomnia can resolve as a result!


Have the root cause(s) for your hormonal 'imbalances' been uncovered and resolved before supplementing?  There are various common reasons for hormonal 'imbalances' that can resolve naturally! 


Did you know that supplementing with high levels of Vitamin D can actually cause more harm than good?  It is a very common practice for high doses to be recommended instead of uncovering the root cause to determine, why the levels are low in the first place.  Vitamin D levels will increase on it's own, once the underlying cause is resolved!


Supplementing without resolving the root cause ignores/suppresses and dishonors the intricate communication and innate design of the body.  


What other major root causes are being overlooked, suppressed and/or ignored?


Just because you quieted the symptom(s) with supplements, medications, procedures, doesn't mean you resolved the symptom(s). 

Everything you suppress today will be back tomorrow.....these detrimental root causes are FUNDAMENTAL to address and resolve right away!


Before spending hundreds to thousands on Specialists, expensive tests, supplements, etc.,..... let's chat and learn what you can resolve first! 


  •  I can help you connect the dots to the underlying cause(s),

  • Teach you the fundamental habits that are necessary to heal and necessary for optimal overall health and wellbeing

  • Provide emotional support and encouragement so you can start trusting your body again

  • Educate you and guide you in the right direction so you know what to look for in choosing qualified Practitioners and know what important questions to ask.  (Not all Practitioners get to the root cause)


Fact is, if you or your child(ren) don't break these detrimental habits and stay in sympathetic overdrive, you will be fighting an uphill battle.  You will get minimal or temporarily relief, endless protocols, and bouncing from one Specialist to another.  This leaves one feeling hopeless and stuck on a hamster wheel.  

If you are already working with a Practitioner and you would like to have the absolute best results with your treatment, my sessions are the missing piece of the puzzle!


No matter which Practitioner(s) you choose to invest in, the education and fundamentals I teach, are necessary not only for best results, but also necessary for optimal gene expression, health and well being!


During sessions with me, you will experience lots of relief, you will also learn so much and become empowered!  Your relationship with your body will never be the same!


When I work with you, not only will you be returning vital energy back to your drained immune system, nervous system and organs, I will also teach and empower you how to:
– Immediately shift your biology/body into a healing state
– Calm your nervous system
– Shift your DNA expression into one of wellbeing
– Rewire your brain
– Rewire your entire nervous system
– Bring more oxygen into your cells for detoxification
– Balance your hormones and stress response

- Improve fertility

- Improve libido
– Re-gain trust in your body and intuition
– Love and embrace every aspect of yourself

- Heal your relationship with your body

- Heal your relationship with food
– Resolve your limiting subconscious beliefs
– Heal and liberate yourself from chronic pain, hurts and trauma
– Resolve your depression, PTSD, anxiety, fears & phobias at the root

– Resolve your chronic stress

- Reduce/resolve chronic inflammation

- Improve gut health, digestion, nutrient absorption

- Improve weight
– Resolve insomnia - improve your sleep
– Rebuild your nervous system and immune system back to default settings

-Experience Joy, Bliss and Vitality again


In a nutshell…I teach and empower people to return back into a 24/7 state of healing and experience Joy, Bliss and Vitality again…our natural state of being and birthright!  



Schedule your complimentary Discovery Call today!  ✨🌷✨

Listen to Bekah's amazing testimonial! No more migraines, improved digestion, improved sleep, improved energy levels, improved overall health and well-being!

Bekah was experiencing lots of chronic symptoms, including migraines, food sensitivities, mental and emotional turmoil. Her Practitioner referred her to me to help address and resolve the root causes. She went from feeling hopeless with all of her chronic health issues to feeling so much better and hopeful in such a short period of time working with me....even after just only one session. 


After only one session, Bekah no longer has migraines and her digestion improved!  She also noticed her sleep improved, energy levels improved and overall health and well-being improved!  


Bekah also took a VCS test 3 months before meeting with me which she says she failed miserably. (Failing suggests the existence of CIRS or biotoxin/mold illness.)   


"After meeting with Cheryl a few times I actually scored a 90% on the same test, meaning that those mycotoxins were not really present in my body anymore. And the only thing that I changed was meeting with Cheryl and just working on releasing those suppressed emotions (and nervous system regulation)!"


Joy, Bliss & Vitality is possible for you too!  

If you would like to experience Joy, Bliss & Vitality again and have the Health, Life & Relationship of your Dreams....I would love to help!

~ Joy, Bliss & Vitality is your birthright and your natural state of being! ~


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