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Chronic Mouth Breathing - Connecting the Dots
Addressing Root Cause & Effective Solutions
Do you or your child(ren) have chronic symptoms, prolonged sickness, sleep or behavioral issues?
Chronic mouth breathing is one of the biggest contributors and root cause to so many health issues, prolonged sickness, sleep disorders and behavioral issues! Sadly, this major root cause is commonly overlooked by many Practitioners.
Did you know many of these issues can significantly improve and/or resolve just by breaking this destructive health habits and learning the fundamental habits that are necessary for a resilient immune system, optimal health, well-being and vitality?
Chronic mouth breathing has become very prevalent and is commonly many children and adults are getting misdiagnosed leading to unnecessary procedures and being medicated. Chronic mouth breathing is harmful and important to correct as soon as possible. Up to 40% of 4 -to-10 year olds have sleep problems, 2 - 4% have obstructive sleep apnea, 35% of children snore... this contributes to autonomic impairment during sleep, reduction in parasympathetic tone and structural changes in the brain....this can account to problems such as lack of focus, hyperactivity, learning difficulties, etc.
So many children and adults are being misdiagnosed as ADD/ADHD when in fact the underlying cause is actually mouth breathing and sleep disordered breathing. Mouth breathing links to multiple medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, metabolic disorders, obesity, mental health issues, and so much more! The vast majority of children and adults with sleep problems due to mouth breathing and improper tongue posture, remain undiagnosed and untreated including 80% of those with OSA (Obstructed Sleep Apnea)
The mouth is the dirtiest part of the body. Breathing through the mouth bypasses the filtration of nasal passages and increases the toxic burden in the body.
Mouth breathing contributes to chronic physical symptoms, cognitive decline, behavior issues, emotional turmoil, skin eruptions, allergies, chronic sinus/ear infections, enlarged tonsils, adenoids , sleep apnea, night terrors, bed wetting (mouth breathing acts like a diuretic).
Mouth breathing affects oral Microbiome makes it more hospitable to pathogenic bacteria, contributing to bad breath and also one of the biggest causes of cavities. Mouth breathing also contributes sleep disordered breathing resulting poor quality of sleep which will also affect overall health and well-being as well.
This also actives a major chronic stress response in the body, activating sympathetic state. Your body can't be in fight/flight and healing state at the same time.
Signs to look for:
Mouth breathing during the day and or during a nap and overnight sleeping
Snoring or audible breathing during sleep
Gasping or pauses in breathing during sleep or coughing during sleep
Tossing and turning, drooling, sleeping hot or waking up grumpy
Wetting the bed or waking to use the bathroom
Bad breath, dry mouth, cavities
Hyper/Wired by day OR tired during the day
Behavioral Concerns
Struggling to pay attention, focus, concentrate
Learning difficulties
Swollen tonsils or adenoids
Prone to ear infections, sinus infections or allergies
Crooked teeth
Asthma or respiratory trouble
Digestion issues
Chewing with mouth opened
Gag easily when brushing teeth
Frequent headaches
TMJ pain
Clenching / Grinding
High Blood pressure
Neck and Shoulder pain + tension
So many health issues and behavioral issues can resolve when you break the habit of mouth breathing, learn how to encourage nasal breathing and encourage correct tongue posture. We will also work on addressing and resolving this major root cause in my sessions! We can start your child as early as 6 months old!
If left unresolved, this major chronic stress response will also lead to additional chronic physical symptoms, illness and/or variety of other health issues and suffering.
Just because you quieted the symptom(s) with supplements, medications, procedures, etc. it doesn't mean you resolved the symptom(s). Everything you suppress today will be back tomorrow.....this detrimental root cause is FUNDAMENTAL to address and resolve right away!
Before spending hundreds to thousands on Specialists, expensive tests, supplements, procedures, etc. ....let's chat and learn what you can resolve first!
I can help you connect the dots to the underlying cause(s)
Teach you the fundamental habits that are necessary to heal and necessary for optimal overall health and wellbeing
Empower you, and guide you in the right direction so you or your child can start getting relief and heal!
The fact is, if you or your child(ren) don't break these detrimental habits and stay in sympathetic overdrive, you will be fighting an uphill battle. You will only get minimal or temporarily relief, bouncing from one Practitioner to another.
No matter which Practitioner(s) you choose to invest in, the education and fundamentals I teach, are necessary not only for best results, but also necessary for optimal gene expression, health and well being!
If you are already working with a Practitioner and you would like to have the absolute best results with your treatment, my sessions are the missing piece of the puzzle!
During sessions with me, you will experience lots of relief, you will also learn so much and become empowered! Your relationship with your body will never be the same!
I work collaboratively with you to address these dynamic health issues. My goal is to teach you fundamental healthy habits necessary to support your body and nervous system in order to achieve optimal health and wellness.
Schedule your complimentary Discovery Call today! ✨🌷✨