Transform your Health, Life & Relationships!
Hormones - Connecting the Dots
Root cause resolutions for optimal hormones, fertility, health, well-being & vitality!
Did you know chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma, dysfunctional breathing and relationship dynamics are the biggest contributors and major root causes to hormonal "imbalances", infertility, PMS, low libido, vaginal dryness and erectile dysfunction?
These major chronic stresses also contribute to poor quality of sleep, insomnia, leaky gut, poor digestion, excess stubborn weight, poor detoxification. Quality sleep is necessary for optimal hormone levels, gut health, detoxification, healthy weight and for overall health and well-being.
In order for one to have quality sleep, optimal gut health, digestion, optimal detoxification, healthy weight, these major chronic stress responses must be addressed and resolved at the root. This is necessary for one to also have optimal hormone levels!
When it comes to addressing hormones, most get stuck on the NEVER ending Hormone Balancing Hamster Wheel. The focus is trying to 'fix', control and micro manage hormone levels with either supplements or medications instead of addressing and resolving the underlying cause(s).
The chronic stress alone of getting stuck on this disempowering hamster wheel will contribute to hormonal 'imbalances' and other chronic physical symptoms. 👀
Chronic stress is the most common root cause of lower progesterone levels. If you have chronic stress, elevated cortisol, and/or adrenal fatigue and you supplement with progesterone, it will make estrogen out of it. So instead of increasing progesterone levels, your estrogen levels will be increased instead! This is why it's FUNDAMENTAL to address and resolve underlying causes. One you resolve your chronic stress including the chronic stress of suppressed emotions, trauma, over functiong.....your progesterone levels will optimize as a result!
Your body isn't broken and doesn't need to get fixed!
The thing is our body never makes mistakes and neither does our hormones. Our hormone levels are always adjusting and will be different in every moment throughout the day and month. Our body has an innate intelligence and our hormones are influenced by our lifestyle, circadian rhythm, relationships, environment, subconscious beliefs, emotions, trauma, chronic stress, chronic inflammation, quality of sleep, diet, gut health, toxic burden, endocrine disruptors, dysfunctional breathing.
In the allopathic approach and people's mindset, the blame and focus is placed on the hormones instead of addressing and resolving the root causes contributing to their symptoms. Attempting to fix, control and micromanage hormone levels is trying to force/override the innate wisdom of the body. However, depending on hormone supplements, medications in this manner is dishonoring the innate intelligence of your body and being used as a band aid.
Just because you quieted your symptoms it doesn't mean you resolved your symptoms.🧐
How do you influence your hormones into a harmonious state? By mastering your health! 🥳
🌸Happy Health = Happy Hormones🌸
In our modern day society, most people are chronically stressed, over functioning and not living in alignment with how our biology is designed. There are consequences to this and our hormones reflect this. In order for one to have optimal hormones and optimal health, it is fundamental to have a lifestyle that honors your biology and in harmony with the Biological laws of nature!
Before taking supplements, medications, medical interventions, it's important to address and resolve these major root causes first.
If you are chronically stressed, you are predominantly in fight/flight and a chain reaction of inflammatory responses occurs that affects your overall health and well-being. This alone has a big influence on hormones for both men and women. For women this can result in elevated cortisol, decreasing the hormones necessary for sexual desire and function such as DHEA, progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. When cortisol gets too high, it can block cells from getting progesterone, which calms you down. Excess stress crashes growth hormone as you grow older. Growth hormone deficiency can contribute to anxiety, premature aging, fatigue, and belly fat accumulation/stubborn weight.
Chronic stress which includes the chronic stress from suppressed emotions, trauma, also creates chronic inflammation in areas stored in the body.
The chronic stress response also decreases blood flow and circulation which contributes to vaginal dryness and low libido. Once chronic stress response, suppressed emotions, trauma is resolved at the root, it will relax the blood vessels, improve blood flow and circulation, rebalance hormones, increase libido and lubrication.
Most women nowadays are also overdoing/over functioning which also contributes to chronic stress response, low libido, hormonal "imbalances". Although our modern society glamourizes and normalizes women overdoing/over functioning, a woman's biology is not designed for this. If you are emotionally and energetically drained your libido will decrease as a result.
The chronic stress of overdoing/over functioning can also effect fertility, conception and pregnancy including how the baby's body, psyche and nervous system is formed. High levels of chronic stress, unresolved trauma, suppressed emotions and subconscious beliefs wires your body and nervous system in the predominant state of fight/flight. When your body is in Fight/Flight it can't be in a resting & healing state at the same time. If your nervous system has been wired to predominantly sympathetic/fight flight, it influences the expression of your DNA and your body perceives this as a threat which means your body won't think it is safe to conceive. It's also very common for many women to hold sexual trauma, fear, pregnancy trauma in the sexual organs, womb, etc. These unresolved traumas and suppressed emotions not only influence hormones, these also create chronic inflammation in all the areas in the body, womb and sexual organs where stored. Chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma, subconscious beliefs are the biggest influences that effect fertility and conception and is the missing piece of the puzzle!
In my sessions we will address and resolve these major chronic stresses, suppressed emotions, trauma, subconscious beliefs at the root.
Once all the stress responses are resolved, including unresolved trauma, emotions, subconscious beliefs then hormones will balance accordingly, fertility will improve, vital organs & immune system will have its full resources and you will align back to Joy, Bliss & Vitality.
We will also address/resolve relationship health and dynamics. Both men and woman, need to feel biologically safe on ALL levels for healthy libido. If you don't than your body and libido will respond accordingly.
Chemistry/energetics of relationship and libido go hand and hand. Libido is a reflection of health and dynamic of one's relationship, to yourself and your partner. If one is in an unhealthy relationship or the relationship dynamics are not in alignment with how our biology was designed, both chemistry and libido will be affected. When this happens, the initial spark and attraction is no longer there, and couples feel like roommates instead. This is not a result of hormones being out of balance, but instead the result of disharmony in the relationship itself. This is something that supplements, medications cannot resolve by trying to force the chemistry and libido back up. In my sessions, relationship health and dynamics will also be addressed and resolved at the root, so you and your spouse can once again feel the strong attraction, chemistry and libido will increase naturally!
Unresolved trauma/suppressed emotions, chronic stress is a HUGE contributor to hormonal 'imbalances', low libido as this drains life force energy. Unresolved resentment, anger towards your partner/spouse will also affect chemistry, libido and lubrication.
Chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma = suppressed libido (& suppressed immune system!)
Porn including porn addiction also affects libido, destroys chemistry in relationships and contributes to erectile dysfunction.
All of this will need to be resolved at root to free up this life force energy and to resolve relationship health/dynamics. It's so important to address and resolve all these areas at the root, that are frequently overlooked, before supplementing/medicating while all these areas then stayed suppressed. Supplements/medication can temporarily help however is ultimately a bandaid.
Supplementing without resolving the root cause ignores/suppresses and dishonors the intricate communication and innate design of the body.
No matter what Practitioner you are working with, all of this needs to be addressed and resolved right away.
Just because you quieted the symptom(s) with supplements, medications, procedures, doesn't mean you resolved the symptom(s).
Everything you ignore and suppress today will be back tomorrow.....these detrimental root causes are FUNDAMENTAL to address and resolve right away!
It is also necessary to learn how to calm and rewire your nervous system so your body can be in a healing state all day long. This is one of the biggest reasons why one still isn't feeling better, getting better and only getting minimal temporary relief. One can't properly heal, progress or have optimal hormone levels if they are in fight/flight majority of the time.
Before spending hundreds to thousands on Specialists, expensive tests, supplements, etc.,..... let's chat and learn what you can resolve first!
I can help you connect the dots to the underlying cause(s),
Teach you the fundamental habits that are necessary for optimal hormones and necessary for optimal overall health and wellbeing
Provide emotional support and encouragement so you can start trusting your body again
Educate you and guide you in the right direction so you know what to look for in choosing qualified Practitioners and know what important questions to ask. (Not all Practitioners get to the root cause)
In addition to addressing and resolving chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma and relationship dynamics at the root, we will also assess and optimize your lifestyle, nutrition, gut health, reduce/eliminate endocrine disrupters, optimize sleep, detoxification, & circadian rhythm for optimal hormone levels.
Fact is, if you don't address and resolve these common major root causes and also stay in sympathetic overdrive, you will be fighting an uphill battle. You will get minimal or temporarily relief, endless protocols, and bouncing from one Specialist to another. This leaves one feeling hopeless and stuck on a hamster wheel.
If you are already working with a Practitioner and you would like to have the absolute best results with your treatment, my sessions are the missing piece of the puzzle!
No matter which Practitioner(s) you choose to invest in, the education and fundamentals I teach, are necessary not only for best results, but also necessary for optimal gene expression, health and well being!
During sessions with me, you will experience lots of relief, resolutions, you will also learn so much and become empowered! Your relationship with your body will never be the same!
When I work with you, not only will your hormones be harmonized, you will also:
🌸 Feel better - Improve overall health and well-being
🌸 Sleep better - Improve quality of sleep
🌸 Improve gut health, digestion, nutrient absorption
🌸 Improve detoxification
🌸 Reduce chronic inflammation - reduce/eliminate chronic pain, chronic symptoms
🌸 Harmonize hormones
🌸 Improve fertility & conception
🌸 Improve weight - lose excess fat
🌸 Feel calmer and happier - Resolve chronic stress, suppressed emotions, trauma
🌸 Improve focus - rewire brain & nervous system
🌸 Have more energy
🌸 Have more resilient immune system
🌸 Look better - reverse aging, look younger and more radiant
🌸 Improve relationships
🌸 Improve Libido, lubrication, pleasure - better, more enjoyable sex
🌸 Feel Joy, Bliss and Vitality again
If this resonates with you and you would like help and support in these areas I would love to help!
My Happy Hormones 🌸 program includes a 1 hour initial consultation and 3 one hour follow-ups for a limited time special of only $555.....normally $600!
Schedule your complimentary Discovery Call today! ✨🌷✨